Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Good Gifts

God is a good Father. Not only does He support and be with a person through hard times, but He will, what seems like random, give fun gifts!

I had one of those random blessings just fall into my lap. I work at Starbucks, talk to customers and know many of them beyond "Hi. Here's your triple, half-caf, grande, 2.5 pump vanilla, 3 pump chai, nonfat, extra hot, no foam, vanilla latte." (for the record, that order is fake, but they do get ridiculous sometimes.) When you think about it, 30 second conversations can't get very far, even if they happen nearly 5 times a week, in the same context.

But then there are exceptions.

Two weeks ago, I started French 101. :D Yikes! Understanding the gist of conversations and speaking are two VERY different things! It all makes sense, it just takes time and effort to practice to make it flow fluidly.

A reason to learn
Back to Starbucks. Lo and Behold, one of my customers found out, and offered to meet with me on her own time -a native French speaker and teacher herself! She did not have to do that, yet here she is, teaching and helping her barista study French! :)

Wow God! :D (or should I say "Merci Beaucoup, Monsieur!")

And here I adjourn to study the depths of "etre" and "avoir" verbs...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blessings of the "Brrrr's!"

Last night I strolled through Chicago's glowing twilight in a simple lightweight jacket with the temperature around 42 degrees. Nine hours later, I step out into a beautiful and brisk 17 degree morning.

With yesterday being so warm, I often ended conversations at work with, "Hope you can enjoy the day!"

 I was taken aback when the majority of replies were not positive. To be fair, several customers did reply with a version of, "It sure is a beautiful day and I'm enjoying it, even from my office window!" However, most were not so upbeat.

"Don't get used to it. Tomorrow's gonna be awful."
"It may look like spring, but its sure not."
"Winter's just being tricksy -it's not really that great out, and the next couple days are going to nasty."
"Can't. I'll be working all day."
"Ughh. I can't enjoy it, knowing that tomorrow's high is in the teen's right now." (It actually rose to 22!)

What a sad world to live in! If the temperature outside is the thermostat for your mood and outlook on the day, YIKES! That's a lot of power to give something that you can't control or trust!

I'm not saying weather doesn't affect us -it just doesn't need to have the power to control any part of us.

Control is for one being only. God. He is faithful, good, and sovereign. Therefore, He can be trusted to control things for the best interest of His people.

Since I can't change it, I may as well enjoy it! ;o

Blessings of the cold:

  • Drinking hot beverages. (Who wants hot tea when it's 100 degree's out?!)
  • Bundling up and being cozy with scarves and hats!
  • Feeling refreshed after walking or biking. 
  • Attempting recipe's long overlooked.
  • Walking in solitude through a normally bustling city.
  • Hearing squirrels scramble up frozen trees.
  • Renewed appreciation for summer.
  • Sledding, snow-shoeing, ice-skating, snowmobiling, and of course, snowball fights...
  • Watching the gentleness of twirling snowflakes. 
  • Gazing through crystal clear, cold skies to a few extra stars at night!

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Roars Around Reflection

"Dear God, thank you so much for today and for being over everything. At my meeting, remind me to be open about you, especially with so-in-so....  Man. I don't think she works today... great! That means I'll be able to do ....."  
Do you ever want to think or study something, but then find yourself thinking about something (or many things!) before you realize you weren't concentrating on the first thing? You decide to pray for 2 minutes before heading out the door in the morning.... And after sitting down for five minutes, you've covered your daily and possibly weeks schedule, fed the cat, retrieved your phone and answered a text, eaten a bowl of cereal and thought about a co-worker before you got the first topic you actually wanted to pray about. The roar of everyday life drowns out the good-intended focus.
 "Sorry God, I really want to be with you right now...."

Our culture doesn't like listening to God, or being silent. When was the last time you were still before God? Or thought about His awe-inspiring attributes? What roars will try to drown out God?

Look at your watch right now. Sit and be still for 1 minute and think of who God is. (Especially if you don't ever slow down)Sovereignty -all things in your city, state, country, the universe, and heaven will bow down and sing Him praise. His Glory and Holiness. What is His holiness? And He says "Be holy as I am holy." He is a judge, and a comforter at the same time. Wow!

No really. Take 1 minute. (If you're reading this, then you actually do have one spare minute.) Do and say nothing -preferably with the door closed and no one around.

Now that you did that, (You did, right?...) Count on your fingers how many different things ran through your mind.

A while back, I wanted to spend time thinking about God's attributes. I sat down with tea, and instantly, eight things went through my head at lightning speed, each complete different from another. My head was roaring with things to do, to think about, to process. It was hard to think about the one thing I wanted to -God. My reflection time, was full of a roar.

There is a roar around reflection from the outside. Our minds easily jump from thing to thing, lickety-split, without dwelling on something specific, accomplishing little, of anything, with lasting value. It is not until we carefully, continuously, painstakingly, bend its focus in a specific, desired direction that we may reap the long-term benefits of reflection.  If Jesus spent hours talking and praying with God, then whatever it is, it is worth it...and worth reflecting on.

Minds are filled with thoughts and actions of our hearts. It can never, not be filled. What fills your heart? "Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.*" Listen to your heart for 30 seconds.

What is in there?
What do you want in there?
What are you going to do to continue having that focus or to replace the roars?

(Each person is different. Find what helps you focus best. Possibly write them out to get them out, and then pray. Maybe being in a place without the things that distract you. )

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.**"

"“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.***"

* Colossians 3:1-2
**Matthew 11:28-30
*** Matthew 7:7-8