I also talk with lots and lots of those people. Striking up a conversation is easy for me if I want to. I have plenty of opportunities while a work...and there's a lot of talking and listening when accumulated over months.
They don't care too much if I don't understand (or simply forget!) the actual facts about their work, their vacations, their life. What DOES normally matter is if I understand and "hear" their underlying relationship to whatever it is we/they are talking about. In seeing that underlying layer, I relate to the real person. Not just the worker, lawyer, doctor...things they do... but the heart of the true "them." We can connect, listen to each other as friends, and be encouraged that someone cares. We share and partially meet that fundamental human need to be known.
If I don't initially see those who know me, they make sure I do see them. If I accidentally look at them but make no recognition of them if I'm talking to someone else or just zoning out, they feel hurt, disappointment, and sadness -I've even seen some anger over the fact that I didn't recognize their presence right away! Why? Because they want me to see them and acknowledge their existence. People want to be known. There is more to a person than what the eye sees, what their job is, and where they live. They are a person, to be known on some level or rejected.
Praise the Lord for this unique feature of people! We do need to be known and know others! That's how God made us from the beginning to be like Him ~ to relate. Yeah, people literally and figuratively "are human" and cannot fully meet the "need-to-be-known" need. Where can it be met? Through the One Lord, who knows us. He created us, and knows every need before we ask Him (Matt 6:32)...and even more than that... He knows the best ways to meet those needs for each individual person! How amazing is THAT?! Let's get to know Him together! How we relate to Him, affects how we relate to ourselves, and that affects how we relate to others. People are known by God.
How well do you know Him? Yourself? Others?
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