I've gotten the running bug. Never thought it'd bite...since I used-ta-couldn't-ever stand even the thought of running unless it was to chase a spotted ball, bounce an orange ball, get under a grapefruit sized ball, or pop-up a white ball. I hated it, it hated me...
...Then I met Tiffany. Freshman year of Moody, we both decided to give running one more shot -this time with a friend. And wow! Does a friend make it better! Loved the growing friendship, but still hated running at 6:30-7am, before Old and New Testament Survey classes at 8. But then, sniff sniff (sarcastically), I had to stop due to knee problems. What a bummer...NOT! :p
...Until Bess came along. Senior year of Moody, after laughing through chorale, I met Bess and started running again. I still didn't like running. But it was good for my knee... and the only time in both of our schedules to hang out. So we ran together. And grew closer to each other with every mile ran.
20 minutes of huffing and puffing plus breaks (I let Bess do most of the talking!) became 2 miles. Then a consistent 3. Then an occasional 4, and then almost 6. And then Bess left fora semester in Italy.
I still went running. I still wanted to run. I enjoyed it! What in the world? It had happened when I least expected it. The joy of being able to run freely had come like a gift unexpected.
Friends and running: They are quite similar really. Both grow better through time spent together. Both build into the character of a person. Both have value that is unseen, known only to the one involved. Both leave lasting imprints -in sand, on the roads, and in our lives.
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