...Then I met Tiffany. Freshman year of Moody, we both decided to give running one more shot -this time with a friend. And wow! Does a friend make it better! Loved the growing friendship, but still hated running at 6:30-7am, before Old and New Testament Survey classes at 8. But then, sniff sniff (sarcastically), I had to stop due to knee problems. What a bummer...NOT! :p

20 minutes of huffing and puffing plus breaks (I let Bess do most of the talking!) became 2 miles. Then a consistent 3. Then an occasional 4, and then almost 6. And then Bess left fora semester in Italy.
I still went running. I still wanted to run. I enjoyed it! What in the world? It had happened when I least expected it. The joy of being able to run freely had come like a gift unexpected.
Friends and running: They are quite similar really. Both grow better through time spent together. Both build into the character of a person. Both have value that is unseen, known only to the one involved. Both leave lasting imprints -in sand, on the roads, and in our lives.